I’m a Master Certified Life & Weight Coach who’s on a mission to help amazing midlife women like you get excited about your lives again.
- You're feeling stuck. Your career's not cutting it anymore.
- You’re tired of watching your own life pass you by and can no longer ignore your drive to grow.
- You know deep down there’s more out there for you. But...you’re not sure how to find the meaning you’re looking for.
It’s time to stop thinking about what you CAN'T do and fall in love with what you CAN do.
Imagine what it would be like to bust you out of your midlife funk, figure out what you want and make changes to create a life that makes you giddy with excitement about all that's possible.
Yes...I said "giddy."
It's time to love your life again!
Read how have I helped others...
I was stuck and knew my job was no longer bringing me the satisfaction it once did. Suzy’s coaching led me through the thinking I needed to generate viable alternatives. - 全球加速器
Through thoughtful questions about my life – past and current – and through discussion about my passions, Suzy helped me think positively about my unexpected midlife career change; she left me feeling ready to face this new life challenge with excitement and optimism. - Kathleen, Rhode Island
Suzy really helped me to identify areas of my life that badly needed my attention, to set priorities and to find the courage to face areas I’d been avoiding for months. She has a knack for sensing when we were focused on the most salient aspects of my challenges and refused to budge until we had teased apart what was keeping me stuck. - Martha, Ontario
The Life Coach School Podcast
Click the above link to check the media mentions
Weight Loss for Busy Physicians
Podcast: EP #24: Getting through your midlife funk with Suzy Rosenstein
让iPhone上网更快,IOS云墙首发评测 - huanqiu.com:2021-6-5 · 要解决这类问题,必须使用第三方的网络加速器,在PC上,我伔可众使用一些支持海外游戏的网游加速器来解决,手机领域目前只有云墙在2021年推出 ...
Life Coaching for Parents
Podcast: Supermom is Getting Tired – Where are my friends?
NOTE 5分分钟搞定PDF文件批注-三星-东北网IT频道:2021-10-19 · iOS现设计漏洞 会暴露用户Apple ID凭证 苹果A7芯片侵犯专利 美国大学索赔4亿美元 畅捷通:互联网+财务服务——企业级市场的下一个风口 改变从电视开始,量子点成未来十年全球科技焦点 国美:致力渗透高增长二级市场 加速O2M全零售战略
The Design You Podcast
Podcast: Ep #22: Regret-Proofing Your Life with Suzy Rosenstein
EMUI不好看?那是你还没有用过EMUI9.0 - huanqiu.com:2021-9-12 · 前不久华为EMUI刚刚在上海发布更新了9.0版本,想必许多的小伙伴已经或多或少了解到了EMUI9.0系统的全新特性,并对之报众期待。今天我伔就来聊一聊EMUI9.0到底有哪些不容错过的细节变化!
Designing with natural beads like Quartz, Pearls and Abalone allows me to infuse these pendants with mindfulness and intention. Each piece has a transparent nature and is created with wire spirals to reflect the same approach I use with my clients, one that helps them become more open, clear and intentional about midlife. I love making these pendants as much as you will love wearing them!
- Clarity - Beaded Wire Crystal, Pearl & Abalone Pendant Necklace$60.00Add to cart
- Harmony - Beaded Wire Abalone & Blue Crystal Pendant Necklace$60.00全球加速器
- Balance - Beaded Wire Abalone & Black Pearl Pendant Necklace$60.00Add to cart
- 3299 元!全新 iPhone SE 来了,苹果:Android 用户快来买 ...:2021-4-16 · 第二伕iPhoneSE,姗姗而来了。与四年前发布的第一伕iPhoneSE相比,这款全新的iPhoneSE(行文方便,本文称之为iPhoneSE2)的国行售价小所不同,为3299元,贵出来11元人民币。但是,更值得注意的是,这款产品延续并放大了前伕产品的特殊性,甚至比初伕$60.00Add to cart
Women in the Middle™: Loving Life After 50
Life in your 50s doesn’t have to be about watching your life pass you by. You don’t have to feel stagnant and fearful of regrets. It’s your time to re-learn how to put yourself first again and satisfy your need to grow, to embrace your power to create a life that you love.
Learn the skills and tools that will help you love your life and live intentionally.
EP #159: Stories that Keep You Stuck in Midlife
EP #158: Finding Peace as a Midlife Woman with Jennifer Forster
EP #155: How to Make your Midlife Marriage Better with Maggie Reyes
EP #154: Midlife Make Up and More with Elise Marquam Jahns
EP #153: Be the Queen of your Brain Domain in Midlife
EP #152: Why your Midlife Hair is Happy on Holiday
EP #151: Seven Ways to Bring Excitement Back to your Future
EP #150: Why Thinking about What you SHOULD Do in Midlife Keeps you Stuck
扩招303名!福建医大硕士研究生复试有这些变化_新闻中心 ...:2021-5-7 · 7日,福建医科大学发布2021年硕士研究生复试通知,今年复试将采取网络远程,众视频形式进行,原则上一志愿考生面试安排于5月12日至5月20日进行。
EP #147: The Beauty and Curse of Midlife Boredom
EP #146: 4 Things to Consider When You Need More Midlife Space
EP #145: 7 Calming Life Hacks for Uncertain Midlife Times
EP #144: The Joy of Coaching with Like-Minded Women
EP #143: How to Put Yourself First without Midlife Guilt
EP #142: 4 Things You Need to Know to Make a Midlife Career Change
EP #141: Why your Midlife Crisis is Not the One your Momma Had
EP #140: The Cost of Staying Stuck & Playing the Waiting Game in Midlife
EP #139: 5 Ways to Use Envy for Good in Midlife
EP #138: Following your Passion to Create, Recycle & Educate with Joanne Jones
EP #137: 6 Steps to Make your Midlife Plans More Fun
EP #136: Mahjong as a Mother & Daughter Tradition with Cheryl Zeldin & Ruth Zimelman
EP #135: Weight Loss & Wake Up Calls in Midlife with Cookie Rosenblum, MA.
EP #133: Honoring your Introversion in Midlife, Interview with Caroline Wood
擅自"翻墙"上境外网站,责伖停止联网并警告__中国青年网:2021-3-28 · 昨日,市政府公众信息网发布了修订后的《重庆市公安机关网络监管行政处罚裁量基准》。自2021年7月27日起施行,有效期至2021年7月26日。对故意输入 ...
EP #131: Make your 2024 New Year’s Resolution the BEST One Ever!
EP #130: Three Steps to Regret-proof Your Holidays in Midlife
EP #129: When your Parent has Alzheimer’s or Dementia, Interview with Heather Negin
EP #128: Midlife Resistance or Midlife Regret
美团取伕苹果荣登"公司创新力"榜首-千龙网·中国首都网 ...:2021-2-22 · 美团加速了中国在食品、酒店住宿和电影票等服务的预订和交付。2021年上半年,美团应用在2800个城市为超过3.5亿人提供了277亿笔交易,也就是说每秒处理1783个美团服务,每个客户平均每周使用三次该服务。 第二名:Grab—打造东南亚超级交通应用
EP #125: Why You Need to Create Community in Midlife?
EP #124: What Triggers Your Resistance in Midlife?
EP #123: How to Avoid an Accidental Midlife
EP #122: From Soldier to Strategist for Women Entrepreneurs with Kalvina Shelton
EP #121: Retrain your Brain to Think on Purpose in Midlife
EP #120: Angry in Midlife: How Writing Changed My Life with Valerie Runyan
EP #119: Thinking about Time in Midlife
EP #118: Catching Autopilot Thinking in Midlife
EP #116: 49 and Fabulous with Wiona Porath
EP #115: Creating a Digital Midlife Magazine with NextTribe’s CoFounder, Jeannie Ralston
内外贯通 Windows 7下架设VPN双向通道 - 国际在线:2021-7-7 · 2、在“更改网络设置”栏下,单击“设置新的连接和网络”(如果已经知道建立了VPN连接,可众直接单击“连接到网络”连接到VPN )。 ... v 传Windows 8进程加速 或于明年4月12 日发布 2021-06-28 10:00:42 v NOKIA首款Windows Phone 7智能手机曝光(图) ...
EP #110: Turning 50 with Cindy Lopez
EP #109: Midlife Underwear Reboot; 2nd Anniversary Edition
3299 元!全新 iPhone SE 来了,苹果:Android 用户快来买 ...:2021-4-16 · 第二伕iPhoneSE,姗姗而来了。与四年前发布的第一伕iPhoneSE相比,这款全新的iPhoneSE(行文方便,本文称之为iPhoneSE2)的国行售价小所不同,为3299元,贵出来11元人民币。但是,更值得注意的是,这款产品延续并放大了前伕产品的特殊性,甚至比初伕
EP #107: How to have More Fun with Midlife Birthdays
盛大文学CEO侯小强:得内容者得天下_文化中国__中国青年 ...:2021-12-7 · 1999年痞子蔡的《第一次亲密接触》,已经让所有人看到了网络对于文学的巨大魔力。时至今日,网络和文学的关系已经远远超出载体与内容的关系,庞大而又丰富的网络原创文学正如一条大河的源头,流淌出一条带着鲜明网络烙印的文学产业链条。
EP #104: Massive Action after Massive Adversity with Shontelle Dubois
VPN有什么用?是用来干啥的? - Youth.cn:2021-7-6 · 另外就是网络游戏的加速,这个和网页加速是一个道理。2. 用于提高网络访问的安全性平时难免会遇到需要访问一些不信任站点或者可疑站点,这样会带来一定的网络安全风险,因为访问网络时候的数据传输很容易被黑客所控制,特别是一些需要登录注册等等网站
EP #102: The Secret to Midlife Balance
EP #100: Midlife Reflections on Commitment & 100 Episodes
EP #99: Empty Nest Remix: 6 Steps to Help You when they Move Back Home
EP #98: Inner Circle Relationships in Midlife
EP #97: Setting the Stage for Midlife Weight Loss
EP #95: 8 Top Tips for More Midlife Travel
EP #94: Big Midlife Mistakes & 4 Secrets to Avoid Them
EP #93: My Unique Midlife Perspective from Losing my Parents as a Kid
EP #92: 3 Reasons Why You Should Act your Shoe Size instead of your Age in Midlife
EP #91: How to Avoid Common Regrets in Midlife
EP #87: Midlife Memories, Memorabilia & Things Turning 50
EP #86: How to Prioritize Downtime in Midlife
EP #85: Online Dating in Midlife
EP #84: Dealing with Cancer in Midlife
EP #83: Asking Powerful Questions in Midlife
EP #82: Midlife Reflections on Adoption & Assisted Reproduction with Dr. Michael Grand
EP #80: How to Lose Weight & Become Fit in Midlife with Amanda Mueller
EP #78: Why you should Celebrate Traditions in Midlife with Bob Schneeweiss
EP #77: A Feminist Look at Midlife and Body Image with Kara Loewentheil
EP #76: Fear-based Decision Making in Midlife
尚在各自为战的充电(1)_汽车周刊·核心报道_新京报电子报:2021-7-7 · 数字版首页 > 第B10:汽车周刊·核心报道 电动汽车充电标准观察:方式仍多样,规格未统一;部分车企已与地产商等合作实施设备进驻落地 尚在各自为战的充电(1)
EP #74: How to have Fun with Blogging in Midlife with Hope Hanson
EP #73: Turning 50 with Gratitude, Interview with Andrea Pines
EP #72: Life after an Unexpected Divorce with Lynne Ellen
EP #71: How to take a Seemingly Impossible Career Break with Katrina McGhee
EP #70: Reinventing the Family Farm for Midlife Happiness with Andrea McFadden
EP #69: Be a Mentor, Have a Mentor & Change Your Life, Interview with Tyson Sharpe
EP #68: Designing your Home after your Empty Nest, Interview with Tobi Fairley
EP #67: 50 Unplugged Mastermind: Fall in Love with your 50s and Regret-Proof your Life!
EP #66: The Awesome Power of Midlife Mentorship, Interview with Susan Hyatt
EP #64: How I Finally Became a Full-time Artist, Interview with Elaine Hoffman
EP #63: Empty Nest after Triplets: How to Find Your Career Path Again, Interview with Carol Molko
EP #62: How Midlife Envy can Lead to Moving Abroad, Interview with Leslie Ender
EP #60: How to Think and Grow Young: Being Young at Heart
中国企业谋求5G“芯”动力_物联网频道_中国青年网:2021-11-12 · 目前全球有能力独立研发设计5G系统性集成芯片的企业只有4家,分别是苹果、高通、华为和三星。其中,苹果芯片只供应其自家的IOS系统,不属于安卓阵营,其他3家均属于安卓阵营。
EP #58: How to Use Words to Change your Life, Interview with Mary Shores
EP #57: Starting a Scary, New Thing like Running, Interview with Jill Angie
EP #55: Why you Need a Midlife Mentor, Interview with Kendrick Shope
EP #51: Drinking More than You Want in Midlife, Interview with Rachel Hart
EP #42: When you Get a Midlife Wake Up Call
EP #41: How to Build an Adventurous Attitude, Interview with Stacey Newman Weldon
EP #37: Interview with Jennifer Thornton, Clifton Strengths Coach – The Importance of Knowing Your Strengths
EP #36: Why Multitasking is Bad for Your Health
EP #35: Midlife, Mindfulness and Sex with Jessa Zimmerman
EP #34: Expect the Unexpected when You Have an Empty Nest, Lizards and All
EP #33: How to Start Regret-Proofing Your Life – BONUS Minisode
EP #32: How to be More Accountable
EP #31: Orthopedic Surgeon by Day, Musician by Night
EP #30: How I Quit My Corporate Job to help midlife, plus-size women RUN!
Ep #28: When It’s Time To Grow
Ep #27: How to Worry Less
Ep #23: How to Bring Your Vision Board to Life
Ep #22: Why You Need a Vision Board and the Secret to Making One that Really Works
Ep #20: How to Enjoy the Holidays Without Gaining Weight
Ep #18: Chin Hair, Tweezers and You
Ep #16: Surprising Lessons from Leaving a Long-Term Job with Wendy Goodridge
价格贵体验差售后烂 你为啥还要买iPhone? - huanqiu.com:2021-5-1 · 有人说,iOS逐渐在向着Android发展。 这句话也不难理解,iOS的在系统功能上是不够完善的,相比于同期的Android系统,iOS缺乏的大量的易用细节处理。 就拿前不久刚刚发布的iOS 11来说,系统更迭这么多年才刚刚加入流量开关,由此我伔不难看出,苹果的偏执也并不是什么好事。
Ep #14: How to Stop Failing Ahead of Time
Ep #13: Do What You Love – Why You Need a Passion Project
男子全裸被埋玻璃碎渣中起身后彻底惊呆_娱乐_北方头条 - hebtv:2021-1-15 · > 这位艺术家这样描述自己的表演,“让观众伔身临其境地感受了一次窒息,身体从玻璃碎片中慢慢浮现出来,体现了一种对自由的追求。” 据英国《每日邮报》报道,来自瑞士的艺术家Yann Marussic
Ep #11: How to Find More Awe and Wonder in Your Life
Ep #10: How to Adjust to the New “Normal” after Your Kids Leave for University
Ep #8: Why You’re Miserable at Work and How to Change It
Ep #7: Making Big Decisions
Ep #6: A Look at Your Underwear Drawer & the Importance of Self-Care
物联网“战国时伕”:巨头争抢布局 谁将是未来的巨无霸?_中证网:2021-9-12 · 18-04-24 09:20 通信行业周报:三大运营商加速物联网网络建设,软硬件设备供应商有望持续受益 18-04-12 08:05 日海通讯:营收稳定增长,物联网“云+端”布局 ...
Ep #2: The Model – Your Mindfulness Framework
Midlife, Mindfulness & Being the Queen of your Brain Domain
How to Put FIRE into your MIDLIFE FUN this Summer!
The Summer that Never Was
Feeling EMPTY without a NEST
Learn the Secret to Making a 2024 Vision Board that Really Works
Spinning and Procrastinating in Midlife
一个神奇的网站:2021-3-23 · 本站文章部分内容转载自互联网,供读者交流和学习,如有涉及作者版权问题请及时与我伔联系,众便更正或删除。感谢所有提供信息材料的网站,并欢迎各类媒体与我伔进行文章共享合作。
Why You’re Afraid of What you Want in Midlife
5 Ways to Be Young at Heart in Midlife
Overcoming Fear to Start Something New when you’re 50 plus
When your Podcast has its FIRST birthday!
Where is your Future Heading?
Is it Finally your Time?
How to Communicate in your Empty Nest
擅自"翻墙"上境外网站,责伖停止联网并警告__中国青年网:2021-3-28 · 昨日,市政府公众信息网发布了修订后的《重庆市公安机关网络监管行政处罚裁量基准》。自2021年7月27日起施行,有效期至2021年7月26日。对故意输入 ...
4 Amazing Reasons to Grow!
7 Best Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain
New! Women in the Middle Podcast
2021年度最受用户欢迎的10款应用 值得一试_央广网 - cnr.cn:2021-12-21 · Hardbound(iOS版本)解释起来可能有点困难,但独一无二就是它的标签。 想象一下,App众图文交互的方式为你推送每天的重大新闻,每篇文章都采用大量图示搭配一点点文字的形式,通常只需要 5 分钟左右的阅读时间,很容易为读者消化,手指一滑就获得大量资讯,让看新闻也有了乐趣。
Are you a woman in the middle? Loving your life after 50
Falling in love again at my age…with a pair of shoes
Celebrating the accidental mom: Raising your sister’s child
Google正式发布Nexus 6 Android L被命名为棒棒糖_科技大 ...:BBC丨Google正式发布Nexus 6 Android L被命名为棒棒糖 谷歌官方消息称,Android 5.0 将正式命名为棒棒糖。由于其新的设计与新功能,该公司将其描述为“有 ...
How to manage your urge to freak out
Three incredibly simple ways to change your thoughts to create what you want
Feeling “midlife stuck”? Take the first step!
How to create amazing memories with midlife friends
The #1 reason I’m in love with my tweezers in menopause
The #1 reason I don’t feel over 50
Empty Nest & College Acceptance Letters: Here are 3 Great Tips!
How to be less grouchy about winter
Three tips to procrastinate less
Why being grateful for your body is a good idea
How tap dancing helped me regret proof my life
盛大文学CEO侯小强:得内容者得天下_文化中国__中国青年 ...:2021-12-7 · 1999年痞子蔡的《第一次亲密接触》,已经让所有人看到了网络对于文学的巨大魔力。时至今日,网络和文学的关系已经远远超出载体与内容的关系,庞大而又丰富的网络原创文学正如一条大河的源头,流淌出一条带着鲜明网络烙印的文学产业链条。
VPN有什么用?是用来干啥的? - Youth.cn:2021-7-6 · 另外就是网络游戏的加速,这个和网页加速是一个道理。2. 用于提高网络访问的安全性平时难免会遇到需要访问一些不信任站点或者可疑站点,这样会带来一定的网络安全风险,因为访问网络时候的数据传输很容易被黑客所控制,特别是一些需要登录注册等等网站
The art of practice
Ode to the Neighbourhood Empty Nest
Tennis and Exercise: 3 Steps to Love More and Resist Less
Are you hiding from change?
20个问题深度揭秘骁龙845:性能不是唯一 - huanqiu.com:2021-6-10 · 那5G网络时伕什么时候来呢?根据工信部、中国IMT-2021(5G)推进组的工作部署、三大运营商的5G商用计划,2021年将进行大规模试验组网,在相关国际机构公布5G正式标准后,2021年启动5G网络建设,最快于2021年正式商用5G网络。
3 Lessons I Learned from Being Laid Off
What are you too old to do?
How to navigate college and midlife transitions better
Big dogs and little owners: How I avoided a midlife crisis
When being green with envy is a good thing
12 Signs You Need a Change
The surprising truth about being too busy
Will you choose not to have regrets?
Are you stuck in the muck of your mind?
Frenzied 40s: Midlife Moms
When friends get a divorce…YOUR emotional fallout can surprise you
Time to hire a midlife transition coach?
To dream or not to dream…that’s YOUR question!
擅自"翻墙"上境外网站,责伖停止联网并警告__中国青年网:2021-3-28 · 昨日,市政府公众信息网发布了修订后的《重庆市公安机关网络监管行政处罚裁量基准》。自2021年7月27日起施行,有效期至2021年7月26日。对故意输入 ...
Vacations WITHOUT kids: How I forgot how to hold my husband’s hand and other midlife observations
Exclusive midlife insider secret—menopause can be joyful!
Are you rockin’ your midlife chapter?
How drums saved the day in this midlife mom’s once quiet abode
Can you teach an old dog new tricks? Midlife and learning new things
讲堂邬贺铨:认识工业互联网:2021-6-2 · 讲堂邬贺铨:认识工业互联网 新锐大众 2021-06-02 10:12 299 工业的发展路径是机械化、自动化、数字化到智能化,企业的信息化从流程电子化、管理数字化、生产自动化、运.....
Suddenly fearful about flying: Would you book a flight on September 11?
Are they ready for university? Fundamental life lessons from a midlife mom
20个问题深度揭秘骁龙845:性能不是唯一 - huanqiu.com:2021-6-10 · 那5G网络时伕什么时候来呢?根据工信部、中国IMT-2021(5G)推进组的工作部署、三大运营商的5G商用计划,2021年将进行大规模试验组网,在相关国际机构公布5G正式标准后,2021年启动5G网络建设,最快于2021年正式商用5G网络。
How to Survive a Midlife Crisis | Grand Canyon Adventure
中国企业谋求5G“芯”动力_物联网频道_中国青年网:2021-11-12 · 目前全球有能力独立研发设计5G系统性集成芯片的企业只有4家,分别是苹果、高通、华为和三星。其中,苹果芯片只供应其自家的IOS系统,不属于安卓阵营,其他3家均属于安卓阵营。
Facebook greetings and and their surprising positive effect on your birthday
The unusual combination of success, insecurity and being a woman
The long-term job—a blessing and a curse
Turning 50? Lots of ways to leave your 40s
Midlife on the farm
EMUI不好看?那是你还没有用过EMUI9.0 - huanqiu.com:2021-9-12 · 前不久华为EMUI刚刚在上海发布更新了9.0版本,想必许多的小伙伴已经或多或少了解到了EMUI9.0系统的全新特性,并对之报众期待。今天我伔就来聊一聊EMUI9.0到底有哪些不容错过的细节变化!
Scary solo travel of the first born
Afraid to leave your “good” job because of golden handcuffs?
Time flies when you’re a super busy mom!
The Road to 50
When the solution to the problem means you escape
When we don’t do what we really, really want to do
![Are you the QUEEN 👑 of your BRAIN 🧠 Domain?
I wonder if you feel empowered like you should and could!
Think 🤔 about it.
In charge.
Excited about what’s possible.
That’s what I’m talking about! It’s a gift 🎁 you can give yourself.
And I can’t wait for you to read this blog!
Blog link in profile.
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![Got ☮️ peace?
Maybe...maybe not.
Today on the Women in the Middle 🎙 Podcast, we’re talking about the importance of finding the courage 💪 to make a shift in your life.
The thing is, this path forward may not be clear.
Instead, you may notice a constant nudge or pull toward making a big change in midlife.
Even when you’re a serial entrepreneur.
Even when you’re in corporate.
Even when you don’t have a plan.
My guest today is @jenniferforster_ and she has quite a story to tell. She’s the author of the 📖 book, Power of a Peaceful Woman: 49 Ways to drop the armour and defuse the drama.
You're going to love ❤️ meeting her and hearing her insightful, interesting 🤔 insights. Don't miss this episode! 🎤
Link in profile and on all your favorite podcast apps!
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![And now, for something completely different!
I’m 😻 in love!
I found Abalone sunglasses 🕶!
They are made of wood - no plastic.
They're polarized.
They're lightweight.
They have a beautiful saying inscribed on the arm.
They’re made in my favorite place, Cape Cod!
And, they plant a tree 🌲 🌳 🌲 when you buy a pair!
I just love Abalone. Like seriously. You should see my Abalone bead collection.
My eyes 👀 bugged out when I discovered them.
They're my favorite thing so far this summer ☀️(I discovered my solar powered fountain for the bird 🐦 bath last summer, lol.)
These absolutely sparkle in the 🌞 !
I fell in love with new company. I even got a hand-written 📝 note with my purchase.
I'm so impressed that I want to help promote them as an affiliate. They are doing good things! These are from the SEASHELL 🐚 🌊 line, but there are lots of other cool options too!
http://slykshades.com/?aff=107 Link in profile!
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![You know more than you think you do 🧠 .
Especially in midlife.
For some reason, we forget this simple fact.
Sound familiar?
For some strange reason, it feels better to look 👀 OUTSIDE yourself for the answers.
Maybe your friends.
A mentor.
Even you parents.
As your midlife coach, I want to encourage you to trust yourself more than you do. ❤️
You have the answers.
You know what you want.
But it’s way more likely that you have some fear about it!
So please, just lean in 😊.
Hold space for yourself.
Listen 👂 to your 💕 heart, your 💭 thoughts.
You owe it to yourself to love 💗 yourself more and grow forward.
Be open to the 💡 idea that’s it’s your time 🕰 to be finally first!
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![You probably think 🤔 it’s ok to be a learner.
A student.
Someone who isn’t perfect at whatever it is.
I would like to challenge you about this.
Think about how many times you didn’t go to that class, try something new, or even speak up or participate?
Was it because you were shy?
Maybe...but it’s more likely because you didn’t want to risk judgement that you weren’t perfect.
We rarely give our midlife selves permission to be a learner.
To develop new skills.
To be comfortably in that space.
It’s interesting 🧐 to dig around up there on this topic because you’re likely missing out on a lot of good stuff in life!
Episode 156 with @thomas.m.sterner of the book, #ThePracticingMind sheds 💡 light on this whole topic! Check out #womeninthemiddlepodcast 🎙 . Links in profile.
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![As a woman in the middle, it becomes more important than ever before to be intentional about your life 💭.
Otherwise, 🕰 time flies and another decade goes by before you know it.
The result?
More wasted time and regrets all over the place 😔.
You have more power than you 🤔 think.
You don’t just have to close your 👀 eyes and HOPE for the best.
You can become the 👑 QUEEN of your 🧠 BRAIN DOMAiN instead!
This is how we roll in the FINALLY FIRST CLUB.
You learn how to manage your mind and do midlife on purpose.
I’m your midlife coach and mentor guiding you along the way.
You invest in yourself 💵 and learn how NOT to feel guilty about it.
I coach you to become the woman you’ve always wanted to become and watch you blow your mind with possibility!
Winning! 🎉
We both have a great time! 🎈
🚪 Doors open now but only until noon 🕛 today!
Join Finally First and learn to do Midlife On Purpose together!
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![What if?
Next year was different?
You did that thing?
You were excited about your life again?
Something’s got to change for being stuck to change.
It’s the way you 🤔 think, my friend.
Take the first step.
I’ll help you.
Be Finally First.
Doors 🚪 open now! But not for long!
JOIN NOW: Www.iamfinallyfirst.com
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![What if your long-term marriage was better now than ever before? ⛅️ Would you be 😮 surprised? Would you be resistant? Would you be ready?
Interesting 🧐 concept! Join us today on the Women in the Middle Podcast with special guest, @themaggiereyes as she walks us through the essential parts of what she calls a “5 Star ⭐️ Marriage ⭐️ “ . Maggie teaches some pretty cool concepts all with a luxury hospitality framework! Don’t miss this chance to bring more 💕 into your life!
#marriage #midlife #midlifewomen #womeninthemiddlepodcast #womeninthemiddle_suzy #womenhelpingwomen #womenover50 #fiftyandfabulous #fiftyplusandfab #thoughtwork #mindfulness #emptynest #emptynester](http://igwez.stevemorrisphotography.com/wp-content/plugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.png)
![So....do you want to learn how to have a thriving ❤️ marriage, even if you’ve been married 20+ years? midlife is an interesting 🤔 time of life! Don’t miss episode 155 with @TheMaggieReyes on The Women in the Middle Podcast! .
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![Here’s the truth. 👀 .
If you don’t put yourself first, it won’t happen at all. 💕 .
If you don’t change something, nothing will change. ❤️ .
What if NOW was the perfect time ⏰, even with all of the crazy going on in the 🌎 world?
My friend...it can be the perfect 👌 time if you believe it. If you’re ready to make a commitment to yourself to be finally First. 💕.
Finally First is your one stop shop for doing MIDLIFE on PURPOSE! Your membership for coaching, connection and community. . 🎈 JOIN US! 🚪 Doors open now until April 3! 🎉 🎉 🎉 🎉 🎉 🎉 🎉 . 😊 Don’t waste more time feeling stuck. 😊
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![Ready to figure out who you want to be when you grow up? It’s time for you to be finally first! Join this amazing new midlife membership and get the coaching, mentorship and community you’ve been hoping for! Yes... even now... with the 🌎 world going upside down. There couldn’t be a better time quite frankly! 🚪 Doors open now! Fast 💨 action bonus too! Www.iamfinallyfirst.com .
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![What if calm was an option? 🤔 It may not feel like it sometimes these days. But it’s a feeling just like any other feeling. Notice the thoughts 💭 you’re thinking to create fear. Or worry. Or whatever. You also have access to thoughts that create calm. Every once in awhile, just try a new thought 🧠 on for size! .
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